Austin Pond Society March 2015 Meeting

The Austin Pond Society held its monthly meeting this past March 15th, at Zilker Botanical Gardens Meeting Room. It was attended by about 45 members all of whom got to enjoy another tasty meal of vegetable coconut curry over jasmine rice offered by our very own chef and hospitality person, Laura Creaser. There was also a salad. It is very understandable and easy to see why she and her husband are the most popular people at every meeting and probably within the whole organization. For desert, some of the members brought in cookies. I’m waiting for that apple pie that someone brought in before, to reappear as it was delicious.

With the meal out-of-the-way, Barb Lenhardt introduced this months speaker, Jason Avent from Brite Ideas Aquaponics. His topic was on the subject of water and water treatment especially to do with our ponds. He covered a lot of different areas and answered many questions and was very knowledgeable on his subject. Below is a video of his entire presentation.

Jason Avent-Brite Ideas March 2015 from Francis Allcorn on Vimeo.

Following the presentation, Jeannie Ferrier took over the mike and conducted the business side of the meeting. She had a couple of new members to introduce with her usual verve and enthusiasm making them feel right at home instead of first timers. There was no major business to discuss so the meeting moved right along. BJ Jenkins reported on the upcoming tour and received a round of applause for her efforts in building the APS entry in the Zilker Botanical Gardens Faerie display. This article was featured in an earlier blog and can be reached at this link.

The meeting ended with the usual drawing for the door prizes.

The next meeting is one of our bigger ones. This one is entitled Plant Swap and although the name is mostly true, items to swap are not limited to pond plants.  Almost anything pond and garden related can be brought in and swapped out for different items. This includes both pond and garden plants, fish, garden style ornaments, even useable pond or garden equipment. The usual method applied is that for every item you bring in, you get a ticket. One item, one ticket. When it comes time to actually pick your item, there is a special order of events with the volunteers having first choice followed by the rest in no particular order. Sort of a free for all only in a disciplined way. Most people have had time to view and have an idea of what they are after. When everyone has used up the initial allotted time, the remaining items  are up for grabs until they are all gone. There is a very strict rule in place concerning cleanup and quite simply put, if the items you brought in are not claimed, then you have to take them back home with you.  It is a lot of fun and sometimes, there are real prizes in the mix. Hope to see you there.

Below is the video of the business part of the meeting.

APS March 2015 Business from Francis Allcorn on Vimeo.