Just Sitting Here…

Ginnie has been with me for 12 years
Sandy the new girl

Just sitting here with nothing to do and waiting for the time to pass which is unusual for me as generally I am always free to write a poem or words that last.

Failing that there is plenty to do if only I would look to see out in the yard to trim the plants or work on the ponds as growing they are most rapidly.

The reason for this waiting game are reasons not hard to explain as today is spent on two of the dogs the new girl Sandy is being groomed which includes a bath and she thinks she is doomed

She is not happy with me at all as all of this handling makes her sore and hurts her feelings and although a girl she may be clean just causes controversy

Ginnie my 12 year old little girl has gone to the Vets for an annual check to keep her fit and trouble free pretty good for an old lady everything is working great the Vet had said as stroked her head and he stuck in the needle one more time with a another shot to keep her fine.

So my day is split between the groomers salon and the veterinary scene but I don’t mind as I love those guys and if you ask the reason why I will tell you that they both love me and in their case unconditionally.

Tomorrow Sandy and I have a date this time a trip from whence she came. She too needs to see her Vet for treatment needed most urgently as heartworm has she from her owners past who did not treat her for her to last.

I hope that young and strong and full of life she will beat the worms and her heart grows strong and she can run and jump and play alive and well for another day.

One thing that you can be sure that we are working on a cure and have every hope we will prevail for Sandy’s sake we cannot fail.

I love my pets this can be said and will do what it takes to keep them well and give them the best that I can afford regardless of the price to pay to have them around another day.

Written 8/9/2019