Mark Gregg 1948-2012

Mark Gregg

Mark Gregg

It is with much sadness I have to report
the passing of one much-loved in the sport
of soccer,   in Austin.
He left his mark on the game and things won’t be the same
without him being around to keep us all straight

Mark Gregg was his name and no Hall of Fame
but I’m sure that it will only take time.
As his contributions were many with AMSA
Not only was he able to play but the President
he did become and for four years did guide
in transition from rag-tag to business the league did become
as he steered this ship through it’s growing stages
picking leaders to help so when that day came
he was able to step away from the table
knowing full well that it was able to run without him
under the capable hands of Matt who Mark had
shown the way so that when that fateful day
of Mark stepping down did arrive, he was able to move back
into the shadows from whence he came.

But this is about Mark and I knew him for years
I played alongside him when younger us both
in Dallas and places where we did go
to play in tournaments and to have fun as befits
the name that the team had, The Wanderers.

Mark loved the game as much as his life
and some of us wondered even more than his wife
but with him all the way, Konnie was ready
to travel with him just for fun
and she even played when Mark upped his game
and played Coed soccer on Jeff Lindzey’s team.

It would be easy to write of nothing but sport
but there was much more to Mark and though he was short
he loved the challenges that soccer can bring
and usually gave almost everything
in the heat of the battle, he stood his ground
but when it was over and things had settled down
the perfect gentleman Mark quickly became
quick to forgive any transgressions of force.

Mark was a gentle soul and loved life,
his Kids and Grandkids and loved Konnie his wife
of 45 years that love stood the test
He made the rest of us feel so at ease
and with him around, we all tried to please
one another as he had the gift
of soothing us all and giving us a lift
as we travelled along together with Mark.

Farewell Mark, we will remember you well
as a friend to us all as you always did tell
us to keep smiling, stay happy and enjoy the life
that we are given and if by chance we meet again
on that soccer pitch in the sky forever so green
then having known you will make it seem
that we are back on Earth and ready to go
one more time…

Sleep Peacefully my friend…