Farewell Old Year

Happy New Year

The year is fast coming to an end
and with it brought new friends
who helped new memories make
to add to the store of many that
the memory has filed away
to be recalled at a later day.

Thinking back through this past year
the things of most significance
are not necessarily so important that
they are impossible to forget
More that they stand out in the mind
maybe they are one of a kind
or maybe they stick because at the time
the need for the touch, the word, the smile
made it seem all worthwhile
when at our lowest we had come
and needed help from anyone.

I like to think that I am free
and independent  and mostly
that is true except
when low my feelings get
and at that time I have the need
to get out in a crowd
and even if I am still alone
I feed off the collective sight and sound
which firmly back on level ground
puts my feelings as all around
people are rushing this way and that
in a most improbable flap
as though their life was on the clock
and that every minute was being docked.

In retrospect I suppose that’s true
that we are all “on the clock”
from the moment that we are born
time is ticking down until
we reach zero and then
there is no more,

Looking back upon this year
the high points are easy to find
helping friends new paths to lay
or coaching the kids on how to play
at soccer, that wonderful game
which has brought me some small fame
and fortune too in many ways
but long gone are the days
that I ran and kicked the ball
in my feeble attempt to score.

Big Pond

Showing my ponds on the Pond Tour
and all of the people who came to my door
to view the ponds that I had built
and all the nice things and complements too
made all of the work much easier to do.

To spend Thanksgiving and Christmas too
with friends eating turkey and ham
and lots of good food and home-made pies
all of the very best kind
to forget about Weight Watchers for one day
even though it will make me pay
as I will have to work extra hard
to remove the pounds
that having good friends on these special days
have inadvertently pushed my way.

I managed to lose twenty-two pounds
to get back to the weight that I used to be
as a young man so many years ago
and muscles were where they were supposed to be
Fifty four years later even though the weight was achieved
the muscles have long since disappeared
and no amount of work on my part
will make me be that young man again
for I had no clue at the age of  twenty-two .

I spend a lot of my time
writing bad poetry the words to rhyme
for I find it easier for me
to write a story that is free
and flowing from the heart
with words that go together
in part to make things flow
the words to fit one to the other

Life has not been all so great
of memories of things so sad
like losing one of my furry friends
and a couple of the human kind
Mark and Pepe both passed  away
to that soccer field in the sky to play
of giving up coaching the love of my life
due to the ravages of age
when legs and mind no longer jive
and are no longer on the same page.

I added a camera to my tools
and pictures I take of everything
to put in my blog which I share with the world
writing about the things
that interest me for the bottom line
is that the reason I spend so much time
on writing stories which appeal to me
is that I am not that good that I can be
a Mark Twain or a  Stephen King
as I shall never reach the heights
that these and many more writers attain.

Mark Twain

I write because it pleases me
to put down words for all to see
in the hope that others too will find
pleasure in reading the words that I write
and just as long as these readers do care
then it makes it all worth while.

What people don’t know is that writing for me
is the only true way to get others to see
my point of view whatever that may be
as talking I find to be very hard
I am too choked or worse yet
get tongue-tied and then my memory forgets
and does not recall the very thought
that at the time we were talking about.

I wonder what this year will bring
as in one days time the New Year
will ring in with a bang as it always does
bringing along with it renewed hope
for peace and prosperity to one and all
and if there was ever a flaw
to thinking that with new, things will change
for change is not an immediate thing
not overnight will changes bring
peace and good fortune or whatever the score
but of one thing everyone can be sure
if they wake up in one piece on New Years Day
then they can run and laugh and play
for the alternative, not waking up
does not bear thinking about this New Year.

The very best I can do
even though I haven’t a clue
to what this New Year may bring
to all the world and me and you
is to wish all of my friends and others too
Happy New Year Everyone
