Christmas Day

The picture says it all…

Today is Christmas Day and what does that mean to you? Do you have visions of Christmas trees with lots of presents stacked beneath, many with your name on the labels. Or maybe you are thinking of the Christmas dinner and which depending on where you live, may well be a traditional Christmas dish. Or maybe it is just the thought of time off from your job to be with those that are near and dear to you. For some of the religious kind, it is the Glory of the Birth of Christ for which the season was named to be celebrated in whatever way your religion allows.

For many that are poor, it is just another day in the struggle for survival and the food on the table, that is if there is a table to put it on, is whatever was scraped together for the meal. Any presents that might be handed out are hand me down or donations from charitable organizations as may well be the meal if there is even one to serve.

Many others will not be celebrating Christmas for many different reasons. Some may not believe in it as a custom or as a religion. Others may be too poor to afford it as are the homeless living on the streets. Some who are old and alone, to them it is just another day for which they are glad just to be alive to share with their pets who are an integral part of their lives.

The list goes on and on and includes many that to them Christmas is just another day. The world celebrates in many different ways with different customs and different religions and for many parts of the world, this day is just that, another day.

So wherever and whoever you are, take time to think about those others out there not as fortunate, who may be alone and lonely, broke and starving and down on their luck. Not everyone is as fortunate as you…

Written 12/21/2020