Who Says Things Don’t Grow in Texas.

I am just so impressed with the amount of growth this year here in Texas that I have made a video of my backyard showing all of the ponds and the amount of vegetation that has grown up in and around them. We never had a single frost this past winter which normally knocks all of the vegetation down resulting in new growth each Spring. This year, as nothing had died, it just kept on growing. The Canas and Iris in the ponds are well over six feet tall and the Esperanza’s are double in size and reaching way up to the skies. I have plants that normally get to be about four feet tall and this year, the are well over twice that size.

Garden Video 11-2-2016 from Francis Allcorn on Vimeo.

One thing is for sure. If it freezes, then I will have a huge cleanup job. On the other side, if it doesn’t freeze I will need to start cutting back and will still have a huge cleanup job.

Such is life as a gardener in Texas.