Austin Pond Society-Post Tour Review 2014

White Lily

White Lily

AUSTIN POND SOCIETY- POST POND TOUR MEETING June 16, 2014. Images and Videos by Francis

At the June 16th 2014 regular meeting of the Austin Pond Society, the membership had previously been asked to provide some sort of dish for a pot luck supper in honor of the passing of Sonja O’Sullivan, our long-standing Hospitality Chef.

Enjoying the meal

The theme was Mexican but other than that, it was fair game for whatever the members decided to bring. We were not disappointed and there were some very interesting dishes making it very obvious to those of us single guys in the group, that we were missing out on good home cooked food. As usual, not wanting to inflict my not so hot cooking skills on anyone, I opted to bring a tin of cookies (definitely not home cooked nor interesting).

Following the dinner, President Jeannie brought us back from the pleasures of eating to the business in hand i.e. the Pond Tour. Karl, as Chairman and Head Honcho of the Tour, provided a running commentary as the slide show that Glen Hubenthal had put together, flashed across the screen. The owners that were present each gave a small summary of their thoughts and experiences and there was good feedback and ideas that we can incorporate in the next years Tour. It appeared that most if not all of the owners enjoyed the experience and Karl, not one to miss an opportunity, was plugging away about repeating on next years tour while they were still feeling good.

Karl The Head Tour Honcho

Unfortunately, Glen, who was operating the computer for the slide show, ran into some technical difficulty and while he was trying to get it straightened out, Jeannie conducted what little business that we had and even squeezed in the drawing for the prizes that usually closed the meeting. She did mention that we were still looking for someone to take over the Hospitality position and also we had an opening for a Special Events person. Glen managed to get the slide show back up and running and those members still interested stayed to see it out. As it happened, there were no owners present for the missing/delayed video so no feelings were hurt.

BJ, the Other Main Organizer

The general consensus from the group and especially the owners, was that everything had run pretty smoothly and things had gone well. Many thanks to Karl and B.J. as the chief organizers and to the rest of the Board and the many volunteers without whom, we could not run the Tour and of course, the owners for opening their ponds and gardens to the public. Thank You All.

Below is a video of the meeting and it includes most of the slideshow. Apologies for the quality of the slideshow from my end as a video camera taking a picture of a video does not give very good results.

Post Pond Tour 2014 Review from Francis Allcorn on Vimeo.

If you want to view all twenty of the ponds on the Tour, use the following link.

Ripples Publication June 2014

The next meeting is Monday, July 21st starting at 6:30 pm at Zilker Botanical Gardens in Austin. All are welcome including non-members.