APS September Meeting 2013

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The members of the Austin Pond Society met on Monday, September 16, 2013 to hold their regular monthly meeting at the Zilker Gardens Meeting Room. This meeting apart from the usual business, was the Annual Pond Society Calendar competition when the membership submitted and votes on the 12 best pictures for the Annual Calendar. The picture with the most votes also has the honor of being the cover picture.

APS September Meeting 2013 intro from Francis Allcorn on Vimeo.

The pictures were laid out in the various categories and the only identification on them was a number that was issued to each picture owner. The 4 categories were, Ponds and pond features,  Fish,  Wildlife (any insects, amphibians, birds, critters, etc. found around or in our ponds, except fish)  and Pond Plants. There were some really great pictures and the membership had a lot of fun making their selections. The “Closing” video has all of the winners. The calendars will be available next month and make great gifts. To order one, contact Glen Hubenthal at photographer@austinpondsociety.org

We also had a guest speaker, Meredith O’Reilly who gave a really great presentation on Bugs, Caterpillars and other creepy crawly things that most of us would rather not have to deal with. We learned of the benefits that many of these insects provide to our gardens. They are all a part of Natures grand design on how things manage to grow and thrive. Meredith showed some slides of her own garden which was very nicely maintained.  It was a very interesting presentation and very well received by the membership.

Bugs and Bees 2013 from Francis Allcorn on Vimeo.

Sonja, the APS Official Chef, once again came through with a wonderful dinner for us to enjoy. This time is was spaghetti, my favorite. I resisted the urge to go back for seconds but thoroughly enjoyed the plate that I served myself.

APS September Meeting 2013 close from Francis Allcorn on Vimeo.

The next meeting will be held on October 21 at the same place starting at 6:30 pm. This meeting is very important as we will be electing new officers and also voting on the revised constitution, copies of which can be reviewed on the  Pond Society website at http://www.austinpondsociety.org.

Hope to see you there.