Their Project is Complete, well almost.


Last Block being laid

Last Block being laid

My friends finished their project today
at least far enough that they can say
we have finally laid all the new stone
to replace the real stuff now at my home.

Between them they laid a lot of new walk
that ran from the street up to the front door
and then turned both ways across the front of the house
and then down one side 40 yards or more.

Now they can walk in from the street
without getting mud on their feet
when wet and  muddy it occasionally gets
when those brief moments of rain besets
us which of course we all know
is not very often as rain does not flow
here like it does in wetter climes
as this is Texas where everyone thinks
we all ride horses and wear boots and big hats.

Some of my friends from across the pond
have asked if hitching posts are still the norm
and I tell them with tongue in cheek
“No, we use the cactus that grows in the street
to tie up our horses when we ride into town,
as the hitching posts are usually down”.

But, I digress as I usually do
back to my friends who hadn’t a clue
when this project they decided to do.
But now, people in the street
have stopped to admire just how fleet
of foot these old fella’s can be
as they shovel the sand and carry the blocks
and put in the edging that in place locks
the stones so that they do not move
and say,”Can you come and do my blocks”?

The one good thing about all of this work
is that most of the time they were in the shade
from the trees that grow next to the house
but even so it was hot and hard work
that this happy group did not shirk.

I’m proud  of my friends for what they have done
in my book they are all number one
for daring to take on a task so big
that could easily have turned bad
and they could have all got mad
with each other but that was not the case
as they all handled themselves with grace.

All that is left is to add some new dirt
and plant new seed or maybe use sod
along the sides where the old lawn has gone
or needs raising to bring to the top of the walk.

When they finally do this last thing
they plan a party to invite all their friends
so they can see and admire their work
that has brought them both back together again.

Gloria-George and Abel

Now to use the old stone at my house…Build another pond.