Weather is Hot

The beauty of Nature.

Life is on hold while the weather is hot
as to be outside I do not, wish to be and instead
stay indoors where it’s cool and my head
can work on things I like to do
like reading and writing and listening to
Audiobooks with stories so fine
written by Authors whose words are divine
as the plots unfold one by one
leaving me guessing right up to the end
who was the bad guy and who the friend
and then when I am really bored
I jump in my truck and take a drive
with no particular place in mind
just out in the beautiful countryside
the forecast shows we have one more week
of one hundred degree weather to bear
and then hopefully we will have our share
of cooler weather and then life unfolds
as back out on the trails will be my goal
walking in places so lovely to see
taking pictures of things so beautiful to me
and then coming home to write some more
about what I saw on the trails before
along with the pictures I took today
to share on my blog in a positive way
so that others may view the beautiful scenes
while I am happy fulfilling my dreams.

Written 8/25/2019