Springtime Garden Flowers 2019

This is a beautiful time of the year in Texas. All of the trees are filling out with the prettiest shade of green and the garden and ponds are just full of all kinds of wonderful flowers.

My garden is not one of the cultivated sort and I tend to let things just grow. Nearly everything is Native Texan so I can pretty much be sure that it will grow back after each winter. I have no idea what many of the flowers are called and about the only ones I recognize are the Roses, Arun Lilies, Cornflowers, Iris and a couple of others. They are all so welcome and a sure sign that Summer is not far away. We tend to have a short Spring and then all of a sudden, its a hundred degrees outside.

Enjoy the video.

Written 4/1/2019

One thought on “Springtime Garden Flowers 2019

  1. I recognized everything except a little white flower that’s kind of like a daisy. The red with lots of separate flowers on the stalk is salvia, the purple is spiderwort. I think you knew all of the others.



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