
I wonder what this year will bring
now that it is nearly Spring
trees all bursting out with leaves
and flowers of every color achieved
everything new and fresh and green
Natures wonders to be seen
a new birth for her every year
to make everything fresh and clear
what about the rest of life
will it bring to me another wife
of one thing I am very sure
no more as wives for me I deplore
three of them I have tried
and none of them could decide
that I was meant to be their mate
which we found out almost too late
that was many years ago
I have lived alone and like it so
with no one telling me what to do
and living my life as they haven’t a clue
of what it is that make me tick
come to that I am not so slick
as often I don’t know which way is up
but I have no wives so I am in luck
I wonder how hot it is going to be
when Summer arrives we shall see
but this is Texas and we all know
that hot it will be as the temperature shows
at least one hundred degrees and more
in the middle of summer the temperature soars
we slap on the cream and put on our hats
and venture out for no bravery we lack
it is a part of everyday life
the heat of the Summer is a part of the strife
that we face from day to day
and on this we can have no say
as Mother Nature is who decides
on the weather and how we live our lives
and she has decided that it is Spring
that we can enjoy as the birds all sing.

Written 3/2/2019