

I opened up a brand new page
just so that I could see
if I could jog my memory
and something wonderful would emerge
making the effort worth the while
or if it would suit my style
as writing without a single thought
very often ends in nought
as my brain only functions with a light
something turned on by power so bright
a stimulant from this wonderful world
whose wonders we view with thoughts unfurled.

Alas, as hard as I tried nothing came
no words of wisdom from my brain
nothing to write or words to impart
it was just as though my brain would not start
at least in the way for others to see
no verse no rhyme no story from me
it really felt like my brain had shut down
refusing to work with anything profound
on days like today when thinkings a pain
I walk with the dogs to stimulate my brain
fresh air and good company and a break from it all
and maybe tomorrow the words will just fall.

Written 8/24/2018