The Beauty of the Moment.


First HEB Store in Kerrville, Texas


I was in the checkout line at where else, yeah you got it, my friendly HEB Grocery Store and in front of me was this young mother with her son riding in the cart as kids are wont to do. I would guess the kid to be between 3- 4 years old and in his hands, clutched as tight as he could grasp them, were a couple of toys that she had purchased for him  on the way round the store.

She was busy unloading the basket and not paying much attention to her son at least not as much as I was and as she placed her items on the counter. She reached back in for more and as I watched,  he carefully put his hands behind his back to hide his new toys for fear that he was going to lose them. I burst out laughing as it was so funny to see the reflex action of this little fellow trying desperately hard to hang on to his new playthings. The Mother looked at me with a smile as she knew what I was laughing at and exclaimed. “He is so afraid he won’t get them back”.

She finally persuaded him that he needed to pay for them and would get them back after they were checked out and he very reluctantly gave them up but kept a very careful eye on them as they proceeded through the checkout line. The cashier, who had also been watching the proceedings with a close eye, after ringing them up, made a big show of handing the toys back to the little boy whose worst fears had not been realized and all was going to end well.

The whole thing was a beautiful moment from the Mother who made the kid understand that things had to be paid for to the checkout clerk who made a big deal out of handing them back to the little boy after the transaction was complete.

Me, I just felt all warm and fuzzy inside happy to just have witnessed a step in this young boys life and it was so funny to watch him try to hide them. Made my whole day…

Written 8/23/2018