Stormy Weather…

Stormy Sky

I was out for a drive today
something I like to do
and as usual along the way
I listen to stories on Audiobooks
as I try to guess which of the crooks
will get shot or some other terrible fate
as the good guy wins as they usually do
for I have yet to hear a story that tells
of the bad guys winning the thought repels.
as the good guy always gets the girls
and is the hero and here to stay
as the bad guys are dropped along the way.

I noticed as I drove along
the dark clouds forming in the sky
and wondered if it would rain
something that would be our gain
as rain in the Summer in Texas is rare
the lack of which we often despair
before long the wind started to blow
and raindrops on the windshield fell
so that driving I would have a clue
to turn on the wipers just to view
the road in front of me that I could drive
in order to just stay alive.

Pretty soon the lightning started to flash
and the thunder followed with a loud clash
and the noise of the rain as it beat on the roof
made it hard to hear the story in truth
I was more concerned with driving straight
than what was happening with the books
so I really started to concentrate
and turned off the device to keep a look
at the road in the storm as I made my way home
arriving safely and making sure to atone
by listening on a different day
when the weather is better to drive and play.

Written 7/8/2018