Summer is Here

Our bit of Spring has come and gone
with warmer weather and birds on a song
green leaves and wildflowers bursting forth
to show off their colors for all they are worth.

Too short a season is our Spring
and all too soon hot weather will bring
temperatures in the hundred degrees
enough to bring a man to his knees.

Yet we manage every year
to live with the heat and to appear
that it doesn’t really bother us
used to it all with little fuss.

We work outside or play our games
or take long hikes no thought remains
that inside is where we should really be
trying to feel cool in the A/C.

For being outside in the Summer heat
is not really an impossible feat
you just have to think ahead
a hat and sunblock and water instead.

Do I like one hundred degrees
compared to say a winter freeze
and I would really have to say
I’ll take the summer in Texas any day.

Written 5/27/2018