
politicsI find that I
as time goes by
grow weary of politics
and all of the dirty tricks
that the man in charge
who by and large
likes to pull
because he is a fool
a wealthy man
in this land
a one percenter
a climate change hater
whose only goal
to get others to follow
to turn America white
and to put out the lights
on all who have the American Dream
and send them back to countries unseen
to make the rich richer
and to make it clearer
that the man on the street
whoever you meet
whose voice is not heard
without any words
can no longer prosper
or even foster
with no money to spend
and who at the end
will vote out the problem
that won’t be forgotten
as the list grows long
what will be his song
and who will he blame
and I wonder what names
he will call his successor
as he tweets his final letter
when the impeachments comes
and he turns to his chums
for help and support
and they will have thought
thanks for the money for our wealth
now it is time for stealth
your on your own Donald old friend
for Jail is where you will probably end
half the country will certainly rejoice
and will speak together with one voice
you are not above the law they will say
and  must pay the piper as today is the day…
Here’s Hoping…

Written 4/9/2018

11 thoughts on “Politics

  1. Wow! We can only hope. And I am afraid that he will not be impeached. Well, even if he is impeached by a democratic House of Representatives, I can’t imagine that the Senate would remove him. Perhaps as James Comey says, the solution is to have the American people vote him out.

    400 days and 2400 lies.



  2. Good for you, Francis, to speak your mind on this! Bravo! 🙂
    You know that Trump is pure evil when people like David Attenborough wish he was dead. Instead of the Jews with Hitler, now it’s the environment with Trump. Which is worse? It’s hard to say. I can’t even bother with relatives that are Republicans any longer. It’s all just so insane!

  3. Pingback: ReBlog: of Francis’ poetry. I too dislike politics. This far goes beyond politics. People who turn their back on the environment are not going to hell; rather, they are a very unfortunate manifestation of hell. | Tom's Nature-up-close Photograp

  4. Pingback: ReBlog: of Francis’ poetry. I too dislike politics. This goes far beyond politics. People who turn their back on the environment are not going to hell; rather, they are a very unfortunate manifestation of hell. | Tom's Nature-up-close Photograp

  5. Pingback: Politics — Life and Day to Day things by a Pond Lover – KILIFI DATA LINKS

  6. Pingback: Politics — Life and Day to Day things by a Pond Lover – elunarcom

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