Live Oaks in my Yard



I have many Texas Live Oaks in my yard both front and back. The Latin name for this magnificent tree is Quercus fusiformis. I had to look that up as I haven’t a clue when it comes to the Latin names of anything. Just recently, I wrote a blog about the efforts by a company of  tree trimmers that I had hired to cut back all of the dead limbs, and there were plenty.

Live Oaks tend to be very late with shedding their leaves or probably I should say, very early as where most trees  lose their leaves in the Fall, the Live Oak sheds its leaves in the early Spring as the weather starts to warm up. This is followed immediately by a growth of new leaves to replace those that have fallen. Then the “Flowers” start to fall. which are pods about 1- 3 inches long that get into everything. These are pretty messy as they are usually accompanied by a whole herd of caterpillars which eat all of the new growth forcing it to start all over again. . The entire thing lasts for about a month.   This is all perfectly normal for this particular tree.

However, this year it is different as the leaves are coming down much earlier than usual. This is because the very heavy frost and ice rain that we had that lasted for five days and nights, froze many of the leaves before their normal time. Consequently, we are suffering through an abnormal amount of leaves that are falling off the trees.  Upon checking the trees themselves, there is a lot of brown up there still waiting to fall. My guess is that it won’t be finished until the new leaves grow late February and early March just as soon as the weather warms up.  Then in the Fall, the acorns come tumbling down and they too, have to be swept up. This past year there were more acorns than I have ever seen before and if they were a forerunner of a bad winter, then that is true as what we have had so far, is the worst I have seen in my forty years of living in this State.

You know all of those leaves that I raked up in the Fall? Well now I can do it all again this Spring. Lucky me.

Written 1/26/2018

10 thoughts on “Live Oaks in my Yard

  1. I planted two oaks in my front yard about four years ago, and I can’t believe how many leaves I had to rake this year. I’m just glad I didn’t plant them anywhere near the pond.

  2. Same old story each year Francis! And in my case add to countless oak trees about hundred pine trees, and their cones…Good luck with raking 🙂

    • I had another go at it yesterday and cleaned up a bunch more. I think most of the dead leaves are down now so I am coming to the end of it for this year. Actually, I sort of enjoy raking. It’s not hard work and yesterday was a beautiful day to be outside…

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