End of the Year…

Father-Time-and-Baby-Time-Shaking-HandsWe are almost at the end of this year
and one year closer to death I fear
of which we are reminded in so many ways
how immortal we are not here to stay
as life can be so fickle and short
no control of the length I have to report
that being healthy does not guarantee
of any form of sickness you will be free
or that at the very end
the Grim Reaper will not be your friend
alas with the passing of time
the body grows old and does decline
and things that were so easy to do
are much more difficult like tying a shoe
or walking the dog or working in the yard
all of these become very hard
as the body grows feeble and the muscles decline
you know you are getting close to the time
when you take that last breath of air
and the Doctor declares you are no longer here
put in a box and into the ground
and life’s full circle has come around.

Written 12/27/2017