Snow, Who Needs It…

We have just had two days of rain
nothing unusual in that just the same
then all of a sudden it started to snow
that is unusual you have to know
we don’t get enough rain in fact hardly at all
and snow is unheard of as it’s just not that cool
but we certainly got snow following the rain
enough to cover the trees and the grassy terrain
the temperature dropped and caught me off guard
as I quickly covered the pipes in my yard
to stop them from freezing and making a mess
requiring more time to repair them no less
I didn’t have time to bring in the plants
and they look very droopy as they slant
downwards bending hard with the frost
I hope that they are not all lost
and maybe recover with returning Spring
and once more share the beauty that they bring
I have to say that I dislike the snow
and the frost that accompanies this sort of show
If I never see a snowflake again
I would be a very happy old man.

Written 12/8/2017