What to do on a Rainy Day

Today it is raining, the first wet day since Hurricane Harvey. This rain is of the normal kind and maybe signals the start of our Texas Fall. It is dark outside of my window as the clouds have socked in and the rain falls.

I welcome the rain as does my garden. The plants open their leaves to gather in the precious moisture to give them life and the roots drink as the water seeps into the ground.

I sit indoors and write away on my computer trying to express my thoughts and feelings into words that other may share. Rainy days are so few and far between here in my part of Texas that I welcome them.

I have a couple of projects outside that I need to finish but they will keep until the rain has moved on as I am only too glad to see it fall. So different than when I lived in England and it seemed like it rained every day, enough to drive me to this country after I was given the opportunity.

Tomorrow, the sun will shine and the clouds will blow away and we will be through with the rain for a couple of days but this is Fall in Texas and it will rain again. Between now and the Spring, the creeks will fill and the rivers will flow stronger. Until the Summer and they will be dry.

Written 9/26/2017