I do not want to play, today


The weather is very grey today
and I do not feel that I want to play
out in the garden not at this time
as I will wait for the sun to shine.

When things are gloomy no sun to shine
I do not feel that I have the time
to work outside and in the yard
working  in gloom is very hard.

For I am a sun loving person at heart
I love the warmth and brightness it imparts
and when it is hidden behind the clouds
I feel the gloom like burial shrouds.

The sun gives me the energy
to do the work that’s a part of me
as tending the yard is one of my joys
being close to Nature as she deploys.

Just as she does every year
fighting her battles to make things appear
young and green and ready to grow
bright and cheerful as she does sow.

I guess I’ll stay inside and write
at least for today until it gets bright
and the sun shines down upon the ground
and the warmth it spreads is all around.