Looking Back.

dsc_4587Looking back over the year
with all of the things that I have seen
in my little world which is very singular to me.

It started great with a birthday cake
and friends who would not let me forget
that I am now eighty.

The summer with it’s one hundred degrees
were not very frequent this time around
and it rained… a lot.

Everything grew tall and even taller
it’s hard to see the ponds amid the plants
through the very lush greenery.

Friends died and new ones were born
such is the nature of life
we live and we are gone.

The country went mad at election time
choosing a man whose main goal in life,
is himself.

One of my long time and faithful doggy friends
died in my arms
and I was sad.

Another walked into my life
helping to fill the void
and I am glad.

I walked a lot and took many pictures
of this beautiful world here in Texas
and posted them for all to see.

The year is coming to a close
when you read this
there are just three more days.

Welcome to 2017.