Five Dogs, Two cats and Me

Danny, Richie and BeBe

Danny, Richie and BeBe

A friend of mine called me to say
they have a dog to give away
a stray that someone had found
that needed a home and not the pound
a place where it could happy be
with a loving family
and maybe with other dogs too
to keep her company and to play and chew
on one another as they do romp
and run and jump as all dogs do
when a loving home they answer to

Abigail looking for attention

Four other dogs all live with me
three are of the sausage kind.
Wiener dogs they have been called
but dachshunds is their proper name.
Abigail who likes to sleep
a couch potato who likes to eat
more than a little heavy is she
and we have been working most diligently
to lower her weight and change her shape
from the pork sausage she is today
to a breakfast link if we have our way.

BeBe looking Sleepy

BeBe is the next in size
in theory a miniature is her classified role
but like Abby she has this fault
and likes to get to her food bowl
and over the years we have done our best
to cut down the food that she partakes
and her weight goes up and down
depending on her activity role.

She is the oldest of the three
and is probably twelve or so
and in good health she is today
although it has not always been this way
as her gall bladder she had removed
as a sick little girl she was for a while
until it was gone and then she did a smile.

Richie keeping a lookout

Richie is the last of the three
he too did come to me
as a dog needing a home
but only because his owners could not
keep him although they wanted to
Richie is classified as mid-sized
and  a skinny thing he was back then
Alas, he is going the way of the rest
although we have got to him in time
He is very active and likes to hunt
rats and squirrels are his favorite thing
In his mind he doesn’t know why
they can climb the trees on high
so he has tried to do the same
and on a sloping tree got as high
as twelve feet up in the sky
until he realized what he had done
and back on the ground he did quickly return.

The biggest thing that drives him nuts
are the buzzards swooping and wheeling on high
he runs from one end of the garden and then
he runs right on back again
He is a friendly little guy
with lots of tail wags and kisses too
and cuddles and sitting on laps is his thing
especially when in the evening
we sit on the couch and watch TV
with Richie on one side all cuddled up tight
and BeBe the other who with all her might
is pushing so hard to cuddle the most
as though to say,”I was here first”.
BeBe has the last word at night
as Richie sleeps by himself on the couch
BeBe makes the most of him not around
and cuddles up tight her butt pushed into
any part of me that she has found
I believe that it is a twofold thing
one is affection which she likes to show
the other is the warmth that she gains
from touching my body with her little butt.
It’s great in the winter when I can use
the heat from her to keep me warm
it’s really hard in the summer even with A/C
as her little body gets too hot for me.

Danny looking comfortable

The last of the four is a big ole mutt
who was born to his Mom on the side of the road.
I  fed Mom until friends we became
and one day, she hopped into my van
and with her puppies home we did go.
we found homes for two of the four
which left, Momma, Danny and Fred at my door
Danny whose real name is Danielle
is all that are left of that family
as the others passed on to Doggy heaven and reside
in the place where all good dogs go.

Danny is the sweetest of dogs
she is kind and never bad-tempered although
the  other three bug her all of the time
but in a friendly way and so
she puts up with it until it drives her nuts
and then she trots off to someplace new
and usually this is enough to get them
to leave her alone for a minute or two,

I forgot to mention that she is a mix
part looks like Setter part looks like Chow
and it’s probably the Setter that has the hair
and boy, plenty of that she has got and how
and even though she is regularly combed
all over the house the stuff can be found.

Ginny the new girl

The little dog who needs a home
is yet another of the dachshund kind
this one a miniature true to form
and skinny too who really needs
building up just a little to make her fine
She is so happy that when she wags
her tail her whole body contorts
and I swear her butt almost touches her nose
she is so agile and moves so well
quick is the word as everything she does
is at double-quick time as though she knows
just how cute she is and she doesn’t need to try
to inveigle herself with me and the guys.

She has fitted in so well
the life of the party she has become
Richie who I was worried about
has taken to her enough that they
do get along  and they do play
although she a little wary still
as he is bigger, stronger and tougher too
she wants to be sure that he knows
to just what limits he can go

Oh yes, I forgot to say
that Ginny is the name that she
was given by my friends who
asked me if I was ready to
adapt another one of a kind
to share my life with the other dogs  who
were there first although what can be said
in our house  all are the same
and pecking order is what they figure out
to me, they all deserve a shout
as being equal in my book
is the way that we look
at each other for we know
there are no favorites here.

Brown Cat

By the way, I forgot to say
that two cats also live with our tribe
to add their personalities and such
and get along they always do
except when out for groceries and things
and then the cats in my office do go
to make sure they are here when I come back
and every piece of them is intact.
As Ellie her tail she lost one day
when Richie decided he wanted to play
and too rough he got and when I got home
off to the vets her tail to remove.

That was several years ago
and I think the dogs have probably learned
but even so I’d rather not try
to leave them alone with the dogs
just in case
Richie might forget his place
and decide that this tail, the only one left
is really a tempting item of play

Ellie in her favorite place

A happy house we have become
for animals are the best company bar none
nothing they ask is out of reach
and mostly they just want attention and food
and in return what do I get
undying love no strings attached
wagging tails and attention too
much more than I ever got from my wives
and I have to say, much less hassle it’s true.

Just a word so everyone knows
five dogs and two cats are the limit for me
I do not want more company
female or animal both are the same
as content we are in our own little way
five dogs, two cats and me.
